Where to Watch Lycoris Recoil



"Lycoris Recoil" is a captivating anime series that emerged as a dark horse and swiftly garnered a passionate following with its engaging blend of action, drama, and deep narrative. Set in a seemingly peaceful Tokyo, the story unveils a secretive organization of young female agents, known as Lycoris, who prevent crimes and maintain society's tranquility. Below is your detailed guide on the anime’s background, where to watch it, and how to navigate potential geo-restrictions using VPNs.

Episode Release Schedule of Lycoris Recoil


"Lycoris Recoil" originally aired from July 2, 2022, to September 24, 2022. The series consists of 13 episodes, each roughly 24 minutes long.
The anime was well-received for its crisp animation, character development, and a well-paced plot, offering ample twists to keep the viewers hooked till the end.

Where to Stream Lycoris Recoil


For fans eager to dive into the intriguing world of "Lycoris Recoil," here are several platforms where the series is available:
1. Crunchyroll

    Availability: Worldwide except Asia

    Offerings: "Lycoris Recoil" is available on Crunchyroll with subtitles in multiple languages. This platform is renowned for its extensive anime library and timely updates, making it the go-to for international anime fans.

2. Funimation

    Availability: USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand

    Offerings: Funimation streamed "Lycoris Recoil" in subbed format. Given the merger of Funimation's library with Crunchyroll, viewers might find the series listed under Crunchyroll in the future.

3. Hulu

    Availability: USA

    Offerings: Hulu occasionally adds seasonal anime titles to its catalog. Viewers in the U.S. can check Hulu’s library for the availability of "Lycoris Recoil."

4. Aniplus Asia

    Availability: Selected regions in Southeast Asia

    Offerings: Aniplus Asia offered simulcasts of "Lycoris Recoil," available in subbed format.

These streaming services generally provide "Lycoris Recoil" in HD quality, ensuring a premium viewing experience.

Overcoming Regional Restrictions with SafeShell VPN


While "Lycoris Recoil" is accessible on many platforms, viewers in some regions might face geo-restrictions. SafeShell VPN can help overcome these limitations.
A safe and stable VPN tool is essential. SafeShell VPN is the VPN of choice for watching "Lycoris Recoil", significantly enhancing your viewing experience. Our service, with its global network of high-speed streaming servers, breaks geographical restrictions and has no bandwidth limits, allowing you to enjoy fast and high-definition streaming content. Our unique "ShellGuard" VPN protocol employs top-tier encryption technology, ensuring that while you enjoy lightning-fast internet speeds, your security is uncompromised.
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"Lycoris Recoil" offers a unique twist on the typical slice-of-life and action genres, making it a must-watch for fans of intricate storytelling and dynamic character arcs. By utilizing the streaming platforms listed above and using SafeShell VPN to navigate around geo-restrictions, you can enjoy "Lycoris Recoil" from anywhere in the world. Get ready to be enthralled by the exciting missions and emotional depth of the Lycoris agents!
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